Sunday, January 2, 2011

Another Lazy this how 2011 will continue?

So, today has been another delightful 2011 day. Woke up to blue skies and warm sunshine.
As every Sunday should begin, I headed off for coffee and the Sunday paper.
Was pleased to read my horoscope that last year is well behind me and it's going to be a productive year. Jan 4 is set to be a great day, so says the Sunday Telegraph!!
We'll see.
Headed off to a Psychic Fair in Southport, amazingly a psychic told a mother her 9 year old will do many things in her life. Who's have thought it!!
Off to the beach for a chase of little blue crabs then in the car attempting to get to Seaworld, only to run into teenager central heading to a music festival. Apparently matching t-shirts for friends are the way t go.
Must check fashion sense when I get home!!
Anyway, a lazy swim, finished reading my Christmas book and am ready for dinner to celebrate my last night as a 32 year old.

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